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Biohacking and Wellness in Bodrum: Le Méridien Bodrum Beach Resort Programs and Biohacker's Store

Biohacking is a systematic approach to improving quality of life and preserving health. Its goal is to optimize various life processes in order to maximize the body's performance and prolong life. The word biohacking can be translated as "hacking your biological structure," but it doesn't mean anything negative. On the contrary, biohackers aim to improve their health and quality of life without harming the body. According to numerous studies, the proven lifespan of a human being should be 120 years. This is exactly what biohackers strive for. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to optimize various life processes. It is important to normalize sleep and nutrition, give up bad habits, increase physical activity and slow down aging. This will help to preserve youth for a long time. It would seem that this is the usual advice from a healthy lifestyle. However, biohacking is a fundamentally different approach to self-improvement. It is based on scientific evidence and aims to improve the quality of life by preventing problems or optimizing various aspects of life. An example of this approach is Chris Dancy, the ideologue behind Quantified Self. He measures all his social activities throughout the day and uses this data to improve his life. Biohacking is not a one-size-fits-all approach and does not have the official support of many physicians. However, it can be helpful for those who are willing and able to participate. Biohacking requires a conscious decision and ongoing participation. In the initial stage, it is important to proceed gradually and not to cause stress due to a change in the usual rhythm of life. Otherwise, this will be the cause of failure in the future. For example, you can visualize that eating after 8:00 pm is an old thing or a broken tool that needs to be thrown away. Repeating mentally this process several times a day for a week, you will be able to notice how the habit of eating before bedtime gradually goes away. In parallel, we recommend using breathing techniques to relieve stress (video on our YouTube channel) . The second step - the right rhythm of sleep, so that circadian rhythms work properly. This will help the body at the right time to produce hormones of activity (cortisol) and rest (melatonin), including the natural biorhythms and setting the pace of the whole body. It is also important to remove the "blue light" from the smartphone screen in the evening after 18:00 and try to go to bed before 22:00. This will help avoid problems with lack of quality rest. Biohacking utilizes different methods and approaches such as building healthy habits, medical techniques and technologies, spiritual practices, working with the mind and subconscious mind. However, everything should be done under the supervision of a doctor to avoid possible health problems. In the modern world, people often face the problem of lack of quality rest. Many of us do not know how to rest properly to truly relax. This is where biohacking can help us - it allows us to master the skill of proper rest. Dinner should not be rich in carbohydrates, but should have a shift towards protein saturation. Then you will not be familiar with the feeling of hunger in the evening and you will forget about trips to the refrigerator. One more thing - feeling hungry is similar to feeling thirsty, so just drink a glass of room temperature water slowly, in small sips. Biohacking has a lot in common with evidence-based medicine: all prescriptions should be discussed with a doctor who knows your test results. It is also important to use only scientifically proven methods and those that are confirmed in the clinic. For example, you read on the Internet 8 signs of vitamin D deficiency in the body, went to the pharmacy, bought a vitamin D supplement and started taking it. But the possible cause of the decline of this vitamin was not its deficiency, but a problem with its absorption by the digestive system. or maybe there was no vitamin D deficiency at all!? This is a situation where you need a doctor. It is in these cases that biohacking has a lot in common with evidence-based medicine: all prescriptions should be discussed with a doctor who knows your test results. Biohacking uses supplements, but it should be done under the supervision of a doctor. Uncontrolled intake of even seemingly harmless supplements can lead to drug-induced hepatitis or poisoning. The Biohacking program in Bodrum will help you get all the skills you need to use them in your life. However, we are against extreme biohacking and only recommend scientifically proven methods.

Many scientists assume that life expectancy will increase significantly in the future - MINIMUM TO 120 YEARS! For example, British regenerative medicine specialist Aubrey de Grey believes that thanks to scientific progress, people will be able to live up to a thousand years, while remaining active and healthy, as at the age of 20.
And American neuroscientist Bill Maris is sure that in the future we will be able to prevent all diseases.


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Dave Asprey

Dave Asprey, known as the "father of biohacking," founded Bulletproof.
Bulletproof is a brand that has gained popularity thanks to its main product, Bulletproof coffee. It is a blend of coffee, vegetable oil, and MCT (medium chain triglycerides). According to those who drink this drink, it improves cognitive abilities and helps to lose weight through ketosis.
Dave Asprey is unofficially considered one of the founders of mass biohacking.


Tim Ferriss

Tim Ferriss is a renowned lifestyle optimization expert. He became famous for his book The 4-Hour Workweek, which talks about how to increase productivity. He then wrote The 4-Hour Body, where he shared his methods for improving overall well-being.
Tim Ferriss currently continues to work on his podcast The Tim Ferriss Show, where he interviews interesting people in long-form interviews and gives useful advice on how to improve the quality of life.

Ben Greenfield

Ben Greenfield

Ben Greenfield is a renowned human potential consultant and the owner of the popular fitness and nutrition website He is a former athlete who played college tennis, water polo, volleyball, competed in 13 Ironman races, and was a professional obstacle course racer. In addition to being a successful athlete, Ben Greenfield is also a sought-after speaker and host of several popular podcasts, including The Ben Greenfield Fitness Show, Planet Endurance, Get-Fit Guy, and Dominator Obstacle. On his shows, he shares his knowledge on topics such as aging, fitness, nutrition, and biohacking.

Josiah Zayner

Josiah Zayner

Josiah Zayner is a renowned biohacker who has gained public attention for his experiments with CRISPR technology, which he conducted live using a genetic modification kit.
Josiah Zeiner also became famous for attempting to perform fecal transplants at home to treat gastrointestinal problems.
Dr. Josiah Zayner, a University of Chicago graduate, has created a set of tools and materials that allow genome editing at home using the CRISPR technique.
This biohacker has divided opinions, with some considering him dangerous and in violation of FDA regulations. However, despite his radical approach, he is one of the most highly-qualified experts in the field of biohacking, with a bachelor's degree in plant biology, a master's degree in cellular and molecular biology, and a doctorate in biophysics.

Wim Hof

Wim Hof

Wim Hof, also known as the "Iceman", is known for his incredible ability to withstand extreme cold and for developing the Wim Hof Method.
The method combines exposure to cold temperatures, special breathing techniques, and meditation. Hof says these practices can lead to improved mental and physical health. He has demonstrated his abilities by climbing Mount Kilimanjaro wearing only shorts and running a half marathon in the Arctic Circle without shoes.
Hof's philosophy revolves around the power of the mind and the body's remarkable ability to heal and adapt. His methods have attracted followers around the world and have been the subject of numerous scientific studies.


William Lee

Dr. William Lee is a distinguished physician and scientist recognized for his pioneering work as President and Medical Director of the Angiogenesis Foundation.
His pioneering research has contributed significantly to the development of more than 40 FDA-approved therapeutics and devices aimed at addressing a wide range of health problems, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, wound healing and vision loss.
A New York Times bestselling author, Dr. Lee is known for his pioneering approach to exploring food as a powerful form of medicine. These include Eat to Beat Disease and Eat to Beat Your Diet.
His work focuses on the body’s five defense systems and how certain foods can help fight disease, including chronic illness and cancer. With over 30 years of research, he is a strong advocate of the “food as medicine” approach, emphasizing the role of diet in health prevention.

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Special store for biohackers: books, movies, webinars, food, special supplements, equipment for biohacking and monitoring body parameters. Use a coupon for a 5% discount!!!

A book on normalizing sleep is a gift for our biohacker store visitors!
the photos and videos on this page show the processes of amino acid transformation and protein synthesis during bihacking.
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